Monday, February 13, 2012

The Unprofessional Wrestling Hall of Fame Strikes Again!

I received a tip late last night from a faithful reader of the 'fudge that the PWHF's FB page was deleting any post that mentioned the May 18th show they promoted would take place at the Amsterdam High School - in opposition of IYFW's own event - likely due to the fact that the High School doesn't want them to HAVE a show that night.

But instead of coming out, PROFESSIONALLY, and admitting that their venue fell through... They are deleting their own supporters posts and pretending they never MADE that announcement.


That was an honest, unthreatening, completely NON-DICK question. I was simply doing my due diligence as a hard-nosed, honest to goodness, not-at-all JOURNALIST! I wanted their official stance and position on this developing story.

I'd say I GOT it.

This post was also deleted. I'm leaving in parts of other posts just to illustrate the timeframe and context.

Please note the OTHER PWHF supporter who asked a similar question that *I* asked -- and note that, in the next photo, they deleted THAT post also.

Don't think THAT person didn't notice. That's how they treat their supporters? That's fucking disgusting.

MAN UP! Own up to the fact that you jumped the gun and announced a show that wasn't going to go down. They were quick to post the story of the "promoter" who duped his customers... As if they are much BETTER?

Yup. Also now gone.

I am urging anyone that reads this blog, who supports Independent Wrestling, who supports the VOICE of the CONSUMER, to "like" their page long enough to take them to task.

They claim to be professional?

I beg to differ.

The way they have handled this ENTIRE situation says a whole hell of a lot about how they VIEW their supporters and about how they VIEW independent wrestling. I know there are some of my readers - and even IYFW performers - that count themselves as a PWHF supporter. At this point, I'm not sure how you can be.

Wouldn't the RIGHT thing ... Be to simply make a statement of the facts? What are they afraid of? That the fans coming to Amsterdam that weekend will accidentally support a local and growing independent wrestling group? Is that the WORST thing that can happen? Don't they WANT the people coming to town that weekend to be a part of their induction weekend to know the truth?

Wouldn't the RIGHT thing be to be professional? To respect your customers? To respect the business you so, so badly want to appear relevant to?

Wouldn't the RIGHT thing be to just come clean and quit being general douches to the people who might otherwise SUPPORT you?

Would they even KNOW what the RIGHT thing is at this point?

Thanks for reading. Thanks for supporting Indy wrestling.

I love you guys.

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